Tuesday 6 November 2012

ARGO: The Canadian Caper Story Revealed...Well some-what.

I had the pleasure of seeing the film 'ARGO' tonight at the theatre. I have to say that I was very happy about the film--especially with the director Ben Affleck. Unfortunately, I am a unsettled about the actual story that this film told. Of course I think I feel this way because I am very political, as well as I am very patriotic to my country of Canada. But let's begin talking about the things that I loved most about this film.

For one, I loved the actual style of the film. I think one of the ways that films grab audiences is by telling the story in 'actual time.' And what I mean by that is that they do not try to change the era in which the film is being told in. This actual event took place in the 80's and the film showed this not only by the way that characters dressed, but the places that they visited. Additionally, the film itself seemed to have that 80's structure to it. It was not some blu-ray clear as the night sky film, it seemed more 'real' for that time.

Another reason I loved this film is because it linked together Canada and the United States. For the most part we are always trying to compete with each other, but in this film it shows the importance and strength of our partnership together. Together we can do great things. I guess you could say that that statement is a little politically charged, but I feel that we waste a lot of time comparing our strengths and weaknesses against each other. It is nice to know that some of our accomplishments were completed together as a whole instead of apart.

But now back to the film. The actors that were chosen for this film were exactly what I would hope this film would use. When is comes to serious films that are based on actual events, I feel that it is always important to use actors that are not as well known. I feel this way because a lot of the time films use 'popular' actors as a way to sell to audiences. I believe that sometimes popular actors tend to take away from the importance of a film. Therefore by choosing actors that are not in the lime-light Affleck was able to tell the story the way that it should be told.

Now on to the things that I did not like....

To sum up all I would like to say is "COME ON...Canada did nothing and took that responsibility and the glory of this mission?" Yah... some how I do not believe this. Audiences deserve the real story no matter where they live. Canadian Ambassador Ken Taylor put himself in extreme danger in order to hide the 6 American diplomats. I will say that they did show this within the film, but at the end before the credits rolled they finished off the story by basically saying the Americans did the work and the Canadians took the credit. I find that really hard to believe, especially since Tony Mendez (the CIA agent that got the 6 out) said in previous interviews that CIA efforts complemented Canadian initiative to make sure the 6 were brought home safely. So come on, tell the story right. I realize it is an American film, but that does not mean that Canadian initiative during this time should be down played. But like I said.. this is a movie that is a little politically charged.. so my statements are somewhat based on that.

Other than the down playing of Canadian initiative, I feel that this film is something that audiences will enjoy. I also feel that it is a film brings both Canadians and American together. We are more alike then most people think and I do not believe this to be a bad thing.

Enjoy the film for what it is, but take it with a grain or salt. I give this film a [A-] for it depiction of a real-life story that changed the lives of 6 American diplomats. I also give it this grade for its amazing depiction of the era. 

See you at the movies!

Wednesday 31 October 2012

Scary Movies Are Made For Halloween

On behalf of Halloween, I thought that it would be a good idea to write about the most recent scary movie that I saw, as well as write about some of my all time favourites. The current film that I have seen was "Sinister." And I have to say that it was one of the worst movies I have ever seen. Not because of the effects or the actors that were in it, but because the film was about an paranormal man who collected kids and killed their families. It didn't even make sense half of the time. He would use his power to brainwash a child in any family that was living in the same house as a previous victim. I thought it was the dumbest film I have ever seen.

But then again, The Hills Have Eyes used "rape" as a way to scare the audience. If I could give audiences any advice I would tell them that film is awful. Sinister has to be one of the worst films I have seen thus far. It deserves a really big [D+]. Maybe next time directors, producers, and writers will understand that these films do not do well. But I guess they will never learn.

Now on the the films that I have loved my whole life. I have a few favourites (most of them are old).

1. Halloween
Halloween, not the remake, but the actual first film ever made is one of my favourite movies of all time. Why? Well much of it stems from the fact that it is about a psycho killer that only attacks on Halloween. The film is not gross by any means, but it is a thriller. If I want to watch a scary movie I don't want to be scared by the disgusting mess that is someone cutting off their legs (i.e. SAW), I was to be screaming at the character to run. I want my heart to be pounding because I do not know where he is.. and that is exactly the same feeling that character in the film has.
Another reason I like this film is because it is a sequel. Lorie Strode is the sister of the mass murderer Michael Myers and he wants her dead. The second film itself is based on the same night that she gets away from her brother. Not to mention Halloween H20 (even though it was not the best of the three films) brings the audience back to the past with Laurie. It is nostalgic if I do say so myself.
I give this film a [B+] for its original storyline and plot, and more importantly, this grade is for the movie actually taking place on Halloween.

2. Nightmare On Elm Street
Even though this film went on forever with all of the sequels and the new remake which I will never go see, it still remains one of my favourite films. This film story is about a man named Freddy Kruger that kills teenagers in their sleep. The characters do not want to sleep because they are afraid that he will come after them. Now that story is creepy. Everyone has to sleep.
I  also love this film because audiences can "jump" to. And by jump I mean it raises the hair in the back of your neck and keeps you guessing. I could watch this movie every Halloween and it would be like the first time I saw it.
I give this film a [B] for the original plot. No one has ever been this creative when it comes to the spooky story, so it can't get any better than this.

3. The Strangers
One of the scariest films that I have ever seen was of course the most recent film The Strangers. It was a film about actual events that have taken place in the USA, where people would be tormented and murdered by strangers they had never met in their lives.
This film is scary because it is based on "true events." Who knows how much of it is actually true, but the fact that people have been tortured by others they don't even know is enough to make my skin crawl.
The thing that I love most about this film is the fact that the characters are not "stupid" they actually do things that I feel most people would do in the same situation which is .... try to survive by not being stupid.
I give this film a [A-] because of its ability to truly scare the audience on things that have actually happened.

4. Silent House
Another great film was Silent House. It was about a girl and her father who were selling their cottage, but strange things were happening within the house that were unexplainable. I have to say that Elizabeth Olsen is a great actor, having featured this film at TIFF a few years ago. This film has the audience guessing what is going on the whole time. The ending itself is so very important, but I am sure that the average person wouldn't guess what it could be.
If someone wants to be scared this is a great film to great scared with. I give this film a [B+] for its original idea and talented actors.

And last but not least....

5. The Last House On The Left
Even though this film has an awful rape scene that did not need to be shown as badly as it did on the film, the remake of this film is one of the best remakes I have ever seen. The characters had great talent and the effects were even better. When it comes to scary movies things need to look realistic... and in this film they do.
The best part about this film is that fact that "revenge" takes place. In most scary movies the killers get away and they tend to do the same thing all over again. But in this film it is very different. The parents of the child take revenge on the people who hurt their daughter. Throughout this film audiences are raving for the way the parents get these people back. So in the end they are the real survivors and the murderers are gone forever.
I give this film [A-] for its ability to take an old film and not ruin it, as well as its special effects. Not many scary films are able look and sound realistic.

Well I hope that this helps audiences choose a great film for the night of Halloween or any night that they want to sit and get scared. Everyone deserves to see a great film even if they want it to be scary. Like all films there is a lot of crap out there that does not deserve to be seen.

But before I sign off....if scary is not for you.. you can always choose another of my my favourite Halloween movies which is of course the always amazing Hocus Pocus...or maybe even Casper The Friendly Ghost. But that is for you to choose.

See you at the movies.

Monday 17 September 2012

Cloud Atlas The Remarkably Impressive Film!

 I had the opportunity to go to the Toronto International Film Festival last weekend and the weekend before. The first weekend I decided to take part in the red carpet event for the film Cloud Atlas. And this past weekend I actually saw the film. To tell the complete truth I think that TIFF is a remarkable event that the city of Toronto gets to be part of. Unfortunately, I understand why people like Tom Hanks tend to believe that they are "cows ready for slaughter." At the red carpet event, many of the event employees would push the celebrities through the "rings" so that they could get interviewed within the various venues. Unfortunately, I believe that celebrities, such as Tom Hanks actually want to be part of the festivities and they do not want to be pushed around. So just a tip, maybe let them breathe a little bit. 

Now on to the good stuff....

Going into the film Cloud Atlas I never thought that I would really understand what is going on. The very reason I decided to see this film was because Tom Hanks was in it. Being my favourite actor, I thought....hmmmm I doubt he would disappoint. So, here I am going into a film, that has a very complicated storyline. I would have to say though....it was one of the most ridiculously impressive films I have seen in a long time. 

At the very same time, this film brought together the very idea that everyone is connected. And no matter what decisions we make, they will always effect other people and the lives that they lead. So it is important to fight for the things that others may not. 

Moving on to the actors...Tom Hanks, Halle Barry, Susan Sarandon, and Jim Sturgess played multiple characters within this film. Some you would have known right away and others not so much. But with each character they played each actor or actress was able to show their true talents. I was impressed by everyone within this film, not because of their names, but because of that fact that they had to play different characters that I am sure they have never had to play before. Some funny, some good, and some awful. But each character was connected by a single mark. And this mark connected each story to the other. 

I think that this is a film that everyone should watch and learn from. It is definitely a film that I will even have to watch again to ensure that I saw every thing that I needed to, to understand the story. 

All and all, I give this film a A-. Great film that I think all movie goers would love if they are up for the challenge. This film proves the theory that we are all connected, that no one person is singular. We all are effected by the choices of others, even if we do not believe it. So go and see for yourself. I am pretty sure this film is to be coming out this October. So... I'll see you at the movies. 

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Tom Hanks is coming to TIFF!

On behalf of the fact that Mr.Tom Hanks is coming to the Toronto International Film Festival, I felt that it was only appropriate to talk about my five favourite films that he has created over the years. To give you a little background, I have been a fan of Tom Hanks since I was young enough to enjoy "real-people" in a film. I know what you are thing. What does she mean? Obviously, I mean that when I was very young, I would never have thought about watching a movie that was not Disney. But of course, my father presented me with this film A League Of Their Own and told me that it was his favourite movie of all time. So of course I am going to like this film my dad was my idol. But it was at this moment in time that I fell in love with Tom Hanks (and by that I mean his acting)

I was hooked on Tom Hanks and I did not care who knew it. I loved them all! I mean I think that this could be considered a problem (but of course it is not because I think it was at this moment as well that I understood the true passion I had for film. So, as promised...I am going to give you my top 5 favourite Tom Hanks films. 

1. A League Of Their Own
Of course this ranks number one because as my previous blog has told you, I loved that females take on such a powerful role, and are no longer featured as cleaners and or cooks. For once women were looked up to, not only for their ability to play sport, but for their hard work and drive. An all-star cast also promoted this movie. Geena Davis, Tom Hanks, Rosie O'Donnell, and Madonna to name a few played breathe-taking roles as their powerhouse baseball players and or star member. Well done everyone! Not to mention Tom Hanks played a character that I would have never expected, a drunk baseball pro that no longer plays baseball. There is something about the way that Tom is able to play the character which really show audiences how transparent he really is. And finally, the last reason that this film deserves its number 1 position is because it is a film about the sport of baseball. This film allows audiences to time-travel back to the World War and see how the world functioned. And because of that, it gave me a great outlook on the world of sports and the world with war. Great film Tom [A] for awesome!

2. That Thing You Do!
Ahhhhh.. another classic from the very extensive Tom Hanks collection. Who didn't like this film? I have to believe that everyone liked it. Having been written and produced by Tom Hanks itself, it is a safe bet to think that this film is going to ROCK! And of course it did. The reason that I loved this film so much is because it focuses on most people's dream of being famous. It shows audiences the trials and tribulations. Young band forms...Young band gets famous....Young band breaks up. Of course this is going to be entertaining. DUH! Another reason that I loved this film is because of the music. I know that everyone has that one song that they tell their friends they hate. Everyone does. Well I am going to be truthful....I LOVE THAT SONG "THAT THING YOU DO!" And lastly, this film shows another side of Tom that nobody would have ever expected. Tom Hanks is creative! [A] for amazing!

3. BIG
Ok, this is a no-brainer! Who would not like BIG? UHM...no one because this film is more amazing than you could ever imagine. Who would love to go back in time and go through their childhood? Come on, this film allows all audiences to bring out their own little child inside. It shows the very differences between adult and child responsibility. But at the same time it also shows older audiences that is ok to be a kid. I loved what Tom really brought to the screen. And based on that youtube video Tom Hanks brought a little of his own children into this film. Having heard a song that his young son learned as camp, Tom was able to use it in his film. Great choice Tom, I think that everyone remembers that song! [B+] for one of the best

4. Forrest Gump
Having won an academy award for this role as Forrest, it is save to say that many people believe that Forrest Gump is one of Tom Hank's best films. He took on a role that he had never taken before. Not only did this film teach us about ourselves, it also taught us about the kind of world that we live it. Not everything is going to be easy and for some everything seemed to be so hard. So live each day like it was your last and never settle for anything less. Thanks Forrest Gump, I do not think that I would be the person I am today without this wonderful live changing film [B+] for brilliant film.

5. Philadelphia
Now when it comes to this film Tom broke down barriers. If being gay isn't hard enough the whole world has to create rules and talk about it in such a horrible way. I have many gay friends and I do not judge them on the life they want to lead, it does not affect me in anyway. And that is how is should be. But unfortunately the world is not like this. This film Philadelphia told a story about AIDS and the pain an suffering that people with this horrible disease face everyday. Tom put a face to this illness and allowed himself to speak for others. This film also focused on the importance of justice. No one should judge anyone who what they have no matter what it is. Everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and respect. So thank you Tom, another great film to add to my stellar collection. [B+] for tremendous. 

So there you have it...my top 5 Tom Hanks films of all time. keep making great movies Tom and I will continue to watch! You're the best Tom. I can not wait until your new film Cloud Atlas comes out. I already know it is going to be great!

See you at the movies. 

Monday 20 August 2012

This Used To Be My Playground

I felt that it was only appropriate (since there are no new films out that I want to see...) that I should talk about one of the films that is closest to my heart! And if you haven't guessed it from my title it is A League Of Their Own. Maybe I am a sucker for that fact that girls took a major role in this film--as it was based on a true story--or maybe the fact that is was a movie that I related to as I used to play the game myself (well...softball). But there is something about this movie that still resignates with me today!

But to be completely truthful I think that I love this film soooo much because I am a Tom Hanks fan. Since I was young I can not think of a Tom Hanks film or tv show (Bossom Buddies) that I did not have. And yes I have the Bossom Buddies on DVD. 
But.. I am going to stop ranting and actually put my two cents into this film like I have with all the others so far. 

First and foremost I loved the all-star cast. I mean there were so many, such a Rosie O'Donnell, Madonna, Geena Davis, and of course Tom Hanks. They all in their own ways make this film. Secondly, the music. Although I think I love this Madonna song more because of my father. He was always such a big fan of Madonna's early music. I also like the music because it suits the genre so well. And lastly, I loved this film because of its femininity. For once women were able to be seen as more than house workers. They were respected for the talent they had outside of their households. I know many films make women out to be caretakers and cleaners, but in the 80's that was beginning to change. 

ok...I think it is time to end it. A League of Their Own is and will always be amazing. Penny Marshall created a great film that many people really enjoyed, especially myself. It might not be perfect in some people's eyes...but it sure was in mine. 

Monday 13 August 2012

My Hunger For The Hunger Games

In lieu of the fact that The Hunger Games is coming out August 18th I thought that it was only appropriate to tell the world what I thought about this film. Having read the books it was easy to determine that I was going to love this film, but at the same time...maybe not. The worst thing about reading a book is that you do not always picture the characters the way that the film-maker or casting crew does, which could make or break the film.
Before I saw the film I was unsure about the actor who was about to play Peeta. He did not seem to resemble the character that I conjured up in my head. When Josh Hutcherson first hit the screen I could not believe how much I loved his character. Josh was able to play this character so well it was hard to imagine anyone else in this role. He was able to bring this fictional character to life, as well as seemed to have amazing chemistry with the leading lady playing Katniss; Ms. Jennifer Lawrence. This dynamic duo was about to make this trilogy into a reality through their amazing performances and acting abilities. I feel this will only be the beginning for them in the film world.
As for the film itself there were only a few concerns that I had, the first was the films rating. Although it is a young adult book turned film it was hard to understand why it had a rating of PG 13. I understand that American and Canadian ratings can be different, but I do not think that this film should have been rated this way. I say this because a lot of the fighting within "the games" was not shown as it was told in the books. I understand that if it is rated PG 13 you can not slam the screen with blood or gore nor do I want to see that, but I would liked to see a little bit more action. Therefore, the PG 13 rating was a bad call.
My second concern about this film was about film adaptation. For most films that were adapted from books I tend to see a lot of important story lines that get lost and never used within the film. I enjoy reading and I enjoy watching films that do not conjure up a new ending or deleted important parts of a book. As for The Hunger Games, the filmmakers did not tend to change any important aspects of the novel, but they did tend not to include parts of the story. Maybe this had to do with the length of the film or maybe it was because the film was not able to rein act these scenes the ways that readers would wanted them to. Whatever the reason may be I feel that as much as I wish these scenes were included, they did not deter me from really enjoying this film.
And lastly, the third concern is the character of Gale played by Liam Hemsworth. Although the first film does not talk much about the character of Gale the second film will and I am concerned that maybe Liam is just another pretty face. To be quite honest, I have only seen one other film that this actor has been in and it was The Last Song, which did not really thrill me. I just hope that Liam will be able to capture the essence of Gale's character from Suzanne Collins' novel. Having said that, I do have to make light on the fact that Josh was not my first choice either and he really took this role to new heights...so maybe Liam will do the very same thing.
Now on to the good stuff. As for the film The Hunger Games I was incredibly happy about this film adaption. Everyone including the actors and filmmakers were able to capture this book in a way that I never thought that they could. The effects and costumes were to die for. They were able to create the perfect image of all of these characters through their wardrobe, which I feel intensified their roles on screen. Way to go!!!
All and all I would have to give this film a [B+]. This is based on this films superb adaption abilities, not to mention the amazing acting from all of the characters within this film. I can not wait for The Hunger Games to come out on blu-ray. It will be yet another great film to add to my already stellar collection.

See you at the movies!

Monday 23 July 2012

The Dark Knight Rises

One word sums up the new Batman film...SPECTACULAR! I could have not asked for a better film. I was very impressed by the open-ended ending that Christopher Nolan left all spectators. But before I go into detail about how awesome this film really is, I think that I should also add a little note on the previous "Theatre Massacre" that occurred. 

I would like to take this moment to say how incredibly sorry I am to anyone who had lost or even has a wounded brother, sister, mother, father, or friend that endured this night of horror. It is a night that I am sure no one will forget. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. 

The Dark Knight Rises was a great ending to a very iconic DC Comic story. As we all know, Christopher Nolan developed a Batman trilogy that changed the way we viewed this character. These films created a new and improved Batman that most audiences could believe in. In many ways these films, including the most recent Dark Knight were also very politically charged. This movie was not about the rich saving the day and making more money, it was about the rich taking the opportunity to help in times of need without hesitation. It is movies like these that show audiences what is really important. 

Another aspect of the film that I loved was the villain. In the previous Batman films Nolan tended to put Batman up against the not-so-tough villain that he could easily defeat. But in this recent film Batman's limits and physical strength were tested. Batman had to fight tooth and nail against Bane, and even then I am sure audiences were not sure if he would survive it. 

In terms of the actors and actresses that came into this recent film, I was very impressed. I will be the first to admit that I did not think that Anne Hathaway had what it takes. I did not see her as a "super-hero" character, but she amazed me. She plays a great villain/heroine. And as for Joseph Gordon Levitt, what can he not do? Wow! I wonder what is next for this amazing actor. 

Lastly, for anyone that is a fan of special effects, this film had them all. Nolan has always been known for his spectacular effects and this film out did them all. If Nolan really declares that this will be the last Batman film he makes, I am sure that it will go down in history. 

I give this film an [A] for its amazing special effects, actors, and its new adaptation to a well-known and loved comic book character. Thank you Christopher, like always you make watching films a pleasure!

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Batman: The Dark Knight Rises (Coming Soon)

On behalf of the third and final Batman film coming to theaters this Friday, I thought that it was only appropriate to create a blog that celebrates these films. I think that most film enthusiasts would agree that Christopher Nolan's take on these films is quite spectacular. He is able to bring to life a new side of this DC Comic story by creating a character that reflects what most people would like to be or try to be within their own lives. Though the voice of Batman is not that thrilling, Christian Bale has created a irresistible and insanely complex character through is roll as the Bat. Compared to previous Batman films, Christian Bale has shown that this mask-crusader is as much a human-being as he is a 'hero' to the town of Gotham. 

In previous films, for example Batman directed by Tim Burton, Batman has been seen as a super hero with immense strength and intelligence. But Nolan was able to show that the real hero is only as powerful as the team behind him. No longer is the masked Bat solving crime completely by himself. The police and law makers use him a a tool to scare off the enemy. It is nice to see a super-hero movie that does not make Gotham inhabitants weak and powerless. Furthermore, this film tends to include the importance of the law--even in corrupt places like Gotham City. We see this first hand in the first film Batman Begins. Rachel tells Bruce that he does not want justice, that he wants revenge. And the only way to get justice is to put the alleged on trial. This scene shows the importance of the justice system and what it provides.

Another great aspect that these films provide movie-goers with is marvelous acting from all cast members, even previous characters that are no longer part of this films. For example, Katie Holmes. One word....WOW! This film was probably one of the best of her acting career. She played 'Rachel' well, but unfortunately Maggie Gyllenhaal was more realistic in this role. She has such a strong presence within the second film, which is translates to the audience. And of course, the late Heath Ledger must be mentioned for his astounding performance as the Joker in The Dark Knight. He made the Joker into more than just a kitschy comic book character by developing a new face to one before. 

The last aspect that made Christopher Nolan's film so spectacular is its effects. Most comic book films tend to use computer generated effects, but this film does quite the opposite. These realistic special effects scenes create the film by providing audiences with a sense of 'the real' in the unrealistic city of Gotham. Therefore, it is safe to say that the last film of this trilogy will raise the bar for all Batman films to come. 

I give this film a [A] for its amazing use of effects, spectacular actors and actresses, marvelous storyline and characters, and last but not least its wonderful director Christopher Nolan. 

Having said that this is the time that I state my thoughts on how this film is going to end. After I see this film I will go over my predictions and see whether or not I was right, as well as give my final grade for these films as a whole. 

I believe that this final film is going to end this trilogy with a bang. First of all, I think that Bane will be fought and killed along with Cat-Woman, but at the end of this final showdown Batman (Bruce Wayne) will decide whether or not the city of Gotham really needs him. He will choose to step out of the mask and live his life without it. And this is where Rachel will come in. I do not believe that she is dead. They never proved this fact in any way. For example, you did not actually see her body, nor was there a funeral. I think that she got away. Do not tell me why I think this I just do. I could be completely wrong. But in her note that Alfred receives from Rachel--which he then burns--she states that when Gotham no longer needs Batman they would be together. Watch it again and see: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnyI75EthaQ. Therefore, it is safe to say that she might still be alive. Hmmm...that is some food for thought. Those are all my predictions, I can not wait to see what happens. 

See you at the theater!! 

Monday 16 July 2012

My spidey scenes are tingling for the new Spider-Man film that hit theaters a few weeks ago. With the previous series being cancelled, it was hard for me to want to see a new version of a not-so-well produced film, but everyone deserves a second chance. And I guess the proof is in the pudding.

The Amazing Spider-Man takes on a very different story line compared to the classic Marvel Comics tale and I enjoyed every last minute of it. Andrew Garfield was able to show audiences that Spider-Man can be loved much like the beloved Batman.

Although, Tobey Maguire will be remembered for his performance within the last series, it is safe to say that Andrew has created a lust for this Spidey character in more ways than one. From his flirtatious moves to his thirst for harmony, this wholesome vigilante warms the heart of any viewer. Not to mention the supporting actress Emma Stone has stolen the stage with her performance as Gwen--Spider-Man's love interest. The character of Gwen has been able to add a much more realistic take on the 'helpless damsel-in-distress' role of Mary-Jane. Gwen is seen as a down-to-earth, beautiful young women, who is strong, brave and intelligent. Where most films would have the defenseless Gwen run from evil, this film does not. Gwen plants her feet in the ground and continues to complete the task she has been asked to complete, even when she finds out that she is in the destruction path of Dr. Curt Connors. She also comes in quite handy when Spider-Man finds himself in a bind. Who knew this film would throw out the commonly used stereotypical character trait of the heroes powerless love interest.

Therefore, this film has set the stage for all other Spider-Man films to come. Apposed to the previous series with Kirsten Dunst and Tobey Maguire The Amazing Spider-Man will be able to reach a new audience as it brings together action, romance, and the epic genre to create what some would call a blockbuster hit. Unfortunately, compared to other action films The Aamazing Spider-Man is lacking in terms of special effects. Much of this films scenes have been created through the use of computer technology. Compared to films like Batman, The Aamazing Spider-Man is still not able to thrill audiences with its computer simulated stunts, but I am sure it will get there.

All and all I give his film a [B+] for its new take take on a old film. I am sure movie goers will agree that this film pleasantly surprised them, which might end up being the reason they go and see any of others to come.