Monday 13 August 2012

My Hunger For The Hunger Games

In lieu of the fact that The Hunger Games is coming out August 18th I thought that it was only appropriate to tell the world what I thought about this film. Having read the books it was easy to determine that I was going to love this film, but at the same time...maybe not. The worst thing about reading a book is that you do not always picture the characters the way that the film-maker or casting crew does, which could make or break the film.
Before I saw the film I was unsure about the actor who was about to play Peeta. He did not seem to resemble the character that I conjured up in my head. When Josh Hutcherson first hit the screen I could not believe how much I loved his character. Josh was able to play this character so well it was hard to imagine anyone else in this role. He was able to bring this fictional character to life, as well as seemed to have amazing chemistry with the leading lady playing Katniss; Ms. Jennifer Lawrence. This dynamic duo was about to make this trilogy into a reality through their amazing performances and acting abilities. I feel this will only be the beginning for them in the film world.
As for the film itself there were only a few concerns that I had, the first was the films rating. Although it is a young adult book turned film it was hard to understand why it had a rating of PG 13. I understand that American and Canadian ratings can be different, but I do not think that this film should have been rated this way. I say this because a lot of the fighting within "the games" was not shown as it was told in the books. I understand that if it is rated PG 13 you can not slam the screen with blood or gore nor do I want to see that, but I would liked to see a little bit more action. Therefore, the PG 13 rating was a bad call.
My second concern about this film was about film adaptation. For most films that were adapted from books I tend to see a lot of important story lines that get lost and never used within the film. I enjoy reading and I enjoy watching films that do not conjure up a new ending or deleted important parts of a book. As for The Hunger Games, the filmmakers did not tend to change any important aspects of the novel, but they did tend not to include parts of the story. Maybe this had to do with the length of the film or maybe it was because the film was not able to rein act these scenes the ways that readers would wanted them to. Whatever the reason may be I feel that as much as I wish these scenes were included, they did not deter me from really enjoying this film.
And lastly, the third concern is the character of Gale played by Liam Hemsworth. Although the first film does not talk much about the character of Gale the second film will and I am concerned that maybe Liam is just another pretty face. To be quite honest, I have only seen one other film that this actor has been in and it was The Last Song, which did not really thrill me. I just hope that Liam will be able to capture the essence of Gale's character from Suzanne Collins' novel. Having said that, I do have to make light on the fact that Josh was not my first choice either and he really took this role to new maybe Liam will do the very same thing.
Now on to the good stuff. As for the film The Hunger Games I was incredibly happy about this film adaption. Everyone including the actors and filmmakers were able to capture this book in a way that I never thought that they could. The effects and costumes were to die for. They were able to create the perfect image of all of these characters through their wardrobe, which I feel intensified their roles on screen. Way to go!!!
All and all I would have to give this film a [B+]. This is based on this films superb adaption abilities, not to mention the amazing acting from all of the characters within this film. I can not wait for The Hunger Games to come out on blu-ray. It will be yet another great film to add to my already stellar collection.

See you at the movies!


  1. I understand the PG 13 only because it was children that were killing each other

  2. Very true, but the book is very descriptive and we are not censoring that. So I do not know what is worse. Showing audiences the video or describing it in a book. Maybe the movies should have been for older audiences that are not as impressionable...but then where do you draw the line!!
    Thanks for your comment! :)
