Tuesday 4 September 2012

Tom Hanks is coming to TIFF!

On behalf of the fact that Mr.Tom Hanks is coming to the Toronto International Film Festival, I felt that it was only appropriate to talk about my five favourite films that he has created over the years. To give you a little background, I have been a fan of Tom Hanks since I was young enough to enjoy "real-people" in a film. I know what you are thing. What does she mean? Obviously, I mean that when I was very young, I would never have thought about watching a movie that was not Disney. But of course, my father presented me with this film A League Of Their Own and told me that it was his favourite movie of all time. So of course I am going to like this film my dad was my idol. But it was at this moment in time that I fell in love with Tom Hanks (and by that I mean his acting)

I was hooked on Tom Hanks and I did not care who knew it. I loved them all! I mean I think that this could be considered a problem (but of course it is not because I think it was at this moment as well that I understood the true passion I had for film. So, as promised...I am going to give you my top 5 favourite Tom Hanks films. 

1. A League Of Their Own
Of course this ranks number one because as my previous blog has told you, I loved that females take on such a powerful role, and are no longer featured as cleaners and or cooks. For once women were looked up to, not only for their ability to play sport, but for their hard work and drive. An all-star cast also promoted this movie. Geena Davis, Tom Hanks, Rosie O'Donnell, and Madonna to name a few played breathe-taking roles as their powerhouse baseball players and or star member. Well done everyone! Not to mention Tom Hanks played a character that I would have never expected, a drunk baseball pro that no longer plays baseball. There is something about the way that Tom is able to play the character which really show audiences how transparent he really is. And finally, the last reason that this film deserves its number 1 position is because it is a film about the sport of baseball. This film allows audiences to time-travel back to the World War and see how the world functioned. And because of that, it gave me a great outlook on the world of sports and the world with war. Great film Tom [A] for awesome!

2. That Thing You Do!
Ahhhhh.. another classic from the very extensive Tom Hanks collection. Who didn't like this film? I have to believe that everyone liked it. Having been written and produced by Tom Hanks itself, it is a safe bet to think that this film is going to ROCK! And of course it did. The reason that I loved this film so much is because it focuses on most people's dream of being famous. It shows audiences the trials and tribulations. Young band forms...Young band gets famous....Young band breaks up. Of course this is going to be entertaining. DUH! Another reason that I loved this film is because of the music. I know that everyone has that one song that they tell their friends they hate. Everyone does. Well I am going to be truthful....I LOVE THAT SONG "THAT THING YOU DO!" And lastly, this film shows another side of Tom that nobody would have ever expected. Tom Hanks is creative! [A] for amazing!

3. BIG
Ok, this is a no-brainer! Who would not like BIG? UHM...no one because this film is more amazing than you could ever imagine. Who would love to go back in time and go through their childhood? Come on, this film allows all audiences to bring out their own little child inside. It shows the very differences between adult and child responsibility. But at the same time it also shows older audiences that is ok to be a kid. I loved what Tom really brought to the screen. And based on that youtube video Tom Hanks brought a little of his own children into this film. Having heard a song that his young son learned as camp, Tom was able to use it in his film. Great choice Tom, I think that everyone remembers that song! [B+] for one of the best

4. Forrest Gump
Having won an academy award for this role as Forrest, it is save to say that many people believe that Forrest Gump is one of Tom Hank's best films. He took on a role that he had never taken before. Not only did this film teach us about ourselves, it also taught us about the kind of world that we live it. Not everything is going to be easy and for some everything seemed to be so hard. So live each day like it was your last and never settle for anything less. Thanks Forrest Gump, I do not think that I would be the person I am today without this wonderful live changing film [B+] for brilliant film.

5. Philadelphia
Now when it comes to this film Tom broke down barriers. If being gay isn't hard enough the whole world has to create rules and talk about it in such a horrible way. I have many gay friends and I do not judge them on the life they want to lead, it does not affect me in anyway. And that is how is should be. But unfortunately the world is not like this. This film Philadelphia told a story about AIDS and the pain an suffering that people with this horrible disease face everyday. Tom put a face to this illness and allowed himself to speak for others. This film also focused on the importance of justice. No one should judge anyone who what they have no matter what it is. Everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and respect. So thank you Tom, another great film to add to my stellar collection. [B+] for tremendous. 

So there you have it...my top 5 Tom Hanks films of all time. keep making great movies Tom and I will continue to watch! You're the best Tom. I can not wait until your new film Cloud Atlas comes out. I already know it is going to be great!

See you at the movies. 

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